Student X Example Resume
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last edited
by Emily Mann 16 years, 4 months ago
Mary Shelley
Mrs. Apple's Class
Percey Elementary School
11420 East Wolsencraft Road
Somerstown, London, England DW1
020 30 560 22 78
I am looking for opportunity to expand my skills with equipment setup and trouble-shooting, assist in locating new and exciting materials for teachers to use in class and document our work together.
Computer Software:
Training in Computer Class, Kindergarten through Third grades with Mr. Tech and on my own
- Word processing with Microsoft Word
- setting margins, tabs, headers and footers, bullets and numbering, tables, inserting images and moving around a document, columns, copy/cut/paste, alignment, spacing, saving locally and to a server
- Calculations and graphs with Excel
- Formatting cells, sorting, formulas, print area/preview, inserting images
- Presentations with PowerPoint
- Inserting images, formatting text, animation, transitions, background settings, inserting sound, using the masterslide
- Can create hyperlinks within a document
- Photo importing, editing and photo shows with iPhoto, PhotoStory and Windows Movie Maker
- Movie production with iMovie, iDVD and Windows Movie Maker
- Email communication and collaboration with Gaggle.net
- Internet research and searching with Google, Dogpile, Yahoo and others with keywords
- Social networking with Club Penguin and virtual pets
- Publication online with PBWiki and my own blog
- Online programs for typing, illustrating, practicing math and other facts
- Can use help to find answers to my questions
- Can find documents that are not saved in the right area
- Understand the differences in file extensions like .doc, .xls, .pdf, .jpg, .tiff, .gif, .ppt, .docx and can explain them
Computer Hardware:
- Can name all the parts of the computer system, know their function and purpose
- Know how to prevent eye and other physical problems associated with extended computer use
- Type 60 words per minute
- Can save to the proper folder and in the proper format
- Can change printer locations
- Can connect to the Classes folder
- Can connect a camera to the computer
- Can adjust computer volume and connect speakers
- Can use a video and digital camera
- Can properly transport equipment safely
- Can connect an LCD projector to a computer and recognize when to use an adaptor
- Can connect a document camera to a projector
- Can connect an interactive whiteboard (Promethean) to a computer and calibrate the screen
- Know how to use System Preferences (Mac) or Control Panels (PC)
- to adjust display
- add new users
- change the desktop appearance
- add a printer
History of Responsibilities (Employment History):
- ACES Tech Squad Member, August 2008 to present
- Computer lab aide, 4th grade
- Peer helper, 3rd-4th grades
- Class mail carrier, 4th grade
- ACES news reporter, 5th grade
- Elementary School, Happy Place, Utopia
- Elementary Degree, Grades K-4
- Softball
- Swim team
- Puppet theater
- Treehouse building
- Landscaping
- Inventing new recipes
- Shopping for cheese
- Perfect attendence, 2007-2008
- Principal's Honor Roll, 2006, 2007
- Most Improved, PeeWee Football 2005
Student X Example Resume
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