
Permission and Agreement Form

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 15 years, 12 months ago

Please downoad the hadcopy version of this agreement by clicking here.  Print this and return it to the coordinating teacher.


Tech Squad Permission


To Participate, You Must Agree To The Following:

________I am committed to participating in training in computer hardware, trouble-shooting and use of Web 2.0 tools

________I understand that I am required to fill out a Report Form for every job I am assigned and reflect on my learning

________I understand that I am to maintain a current resume describing my job skills and strengths

________I agree to share my learning with the ACES community by creating a how-to video about trouble-shooting, equipment setup, Internet use or another technology topic useful to others

________I understand that if I am selected, I will need to attend training during the school year

________I understand that I must attend any lunch meetings required

________I understand that if I am selected, I am committed to be a Tech Squad memeber for the entire school year

________I understand that if I fail to meet any of the above requirements, I will be placed on probation for 2 weeks and depending on the severity may or may not be allowed to return to the program, pending teacher evaluation.



Parent Section

If my child is selected for the Student Apprentice program, I understand that my child will be called periodically to assist teachers and students with technology support.  Though most of this support will be with their own classroom teacher, they may need to go to leave class to help in another room.

I also understand that if my child does not comply with the agreement as listed above, he/she will be placed on a 2-week probation period. The supervising teacher will then decide whether my child may return to the program. I also understand that transportation will need to be provided on days of training. I therefore agree to allow my child to be a part of the program and will support them in their community contribution and this learning journey.


Parent Name:____________________________________


Parent Signature:_______________________________________ Date_________________


Telephone number__________________________ Email _____________________________


Classroom Teacher Section


I recommend this student to be a Student Apprentice. I understand that I will need to provide the supervising teacher with an update, via email, on this student’s behavior.


Teacher Signature:________________________________  Date_________________


Form adapted from work by Rosie Escandon,

Cartwright E.S.D. 3401 N. 67th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85033 T 623.691.4030 F 623.691.5922 rescandon@mail.cartwright.k12.az.us

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