
Emily's Resume

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 15 years, 11 months ago

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Your Name*

Your Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Telephone number

Email address

* Remember, for anything that is published on the Internet, do not give your full or real name or name of your school.  We will establish Avatars identities and names, you create a fantasy school and address.


List your job objective (target) your specialty (area of focus), ie: what you would like to do for a teacher, what aspect most interests you and what you will be working to improve.


Summary of Qualifications (skills):

Summarize your qualifications from each of your past jobs or learning. 

List those which best fit with the job first. 

Use action Keywords to add energy and strength to your statements.

Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.


Skills List:



Software: (include what you have used online to communicate, publish, work with others, and research information)


Collaboration and Group Work Success History:

Describe a situation or a few situations in which a group worked well together, why you think it went smoothly and what you did to make the cooperation lead to a good product.


Problem-Solving Success History:

List a few times when you fixed (or your group) a problem and how you did it.


Digital Citizenship

I define digital citizenship as...

History of Responsibilities (Employment History):

Responsibility or Job Title

Company name, City, State

Dates of Employment

Responsibility or Job Title

Company name, City, State

Dates of Employment



School Name, City, State

Type Degree (full degree name)




List activities



List honors and awards, publications, etc.


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